

Annual Mileage Recognition Awards for 2025

With enhancements to H.O.G.’s Annual Mileage Recognition program for 2025, H.O.G. members can now earn rewards for the miles they ride sooner and more frequently than ever before. Beginning in January, participants in the program will earn 1,000 H-D Membership points and a digital recognition badge on their online membership profile when they log 1,000 miles for the year, a $10 value. Additional points and rewards, including certificates, patches and challenge coins can also be earned as miles accumulate, up to a maximum of 15,000 points (a $150 value). Membership points can be redeemed for purchases on H-D.com and at participating Harley-Davidson dealerships. To participate, members must activate and link their H.O.G. ID in the H-D App. Enrollment for the year begins upon the first mileage reading reported to [email protected]. For more information, visit hog.com/ride365.

Annual Mileage Program Award Levels

1,000 miles: 1,000 points and digital badge
2,500 miles: 1,500 points and digital badge
5,000 miles: 2,500 points and digital badge
7,500 miles: 2,500 points and digital badge
10,000 miles: 2,500 points, digital badge, certificate and patch
15,000 miles: 5,000 points, digital badge, certificate and patch
20,000 miles: Digital badge, certificate and patch
25,000 miles: Digital badge, certificate, patch and challenge coin
50,000 miles: Digital badge, certificate, patch and challenge coin 
75,000 miles: Digital badge, certificate, patch and challenge coin
100,000 miles: Digital badge, certificate, patch and challenge coin

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Posted by US3178314